Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Smith House: An Artistic and Cultural Landmark in Harrisonburg

(Photo taken by John Simpson)

Culturally appealing? Check. Historic landmark? Check. Most importantly, is it affordable? You better believe it; free of charge in fact. The Smith House, located at 311 South Main Street, represents a feasible option for students interested in viewing fine art in a cozy setting. It is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday. The house is the fourth oldest in Harrisonburg and rotates new artwork in and out monthly. This month features artwork by Dietrich Maune, an  Associate Dean in the College of Arts and Letters and Professor in the School of Media Arts and Design. He is one of us and his art lines the walls of Smith House. Let's take a look, shall we?

"Lou and the Babies" by Dietrich Maune (Photo courtesy of John Simpson)

Maune has a total of nine pieces hanging on the walls of the Smith House. Eye-popping, delightful and intriguing are a few words that can be appropriately used to describe his work. Thanks to Arts Council of the Valley, Maune's artwork is appreciated by the masses. Each piece featured an animal, and one cannot help but ask: why? Is it a fascination, a passion for animals? Not quite, but Maune elaborates. 

He describes how his artwork plays on naturalism and our experiences with the world, saying, "the paintings are not about portraiture or pure representation; they are about experiences and relationships. The relationships we have with the natural world, with ourselves, and with others in our lives and the places we live" (Arts Council of the Valley).  

"Vision at the Olson House, Cushing, Maine" by Dietrich Maune (Photo courtesy of John Simpson)

Calling all JMU students, the cultural and artistic beauty train has arrived! The paintings are awe-inspiring and tasteful. The collection may not be impressive in size, but the shear quality of work trounces the aforementioned statement. 

Certain JMU students appreciate the opportunity to attend such a prestigious university. However, many miss out on the wonderful opportunities nestled inside the cultural landscape outside of the "JMU bubble." Did I mention that you do not have to pay a single penny to enter? The Smith House provides an incredible experience that every single student can enjoy. No excuses, especially since it is less than a 10 minute walk towards downtown from the quad. The Smith House also does its part in promoting more than just the art inside their building.

Here are a few other student options that are offered by both The Smith House and the Arts Council of the Valley:

  • Held on the first Friday of every month, the event celebrates culture and community building in downtown Harrisonburg. Includes live concerts, art exhibits and other related activities. The last one of the year is in December, and JMU students are encouraged to attend!
  • Sponsored by the Arts Council of the Valley, Court Square Theater hosts film festivals annually. A prominent show featured recently was "Rocky Horror Picture Show."
  • THEY ALSO OFFER MEMBERSHIPS. Includes individual memberships ($45), household memberships (couples or parents & children, $75) or student memberships (with valid I.D., $30). Each membership lasts one year and includes the following: 10% discount on all CST events, unlimited FREE popcorn, priority seating for general admission shows, and recognition on the CST website.
- John Simpson

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